
I’m leaving Client Server. You should join

Client Server

I’m leaving Client Server. You should join

There was a recent fad on LinkedIn where someone in recruitment would post a picture of a new employee’s desk piled high with branded swag and fancy new laptop.

While much is made of welcoming new staff with a slick onboarding process, I there is a lot more to learn about how a company treat you when you leave.

The Beginning

I have to admit that I was pretty cocky when I joined Client Server in 2012. I had worked for two other recruitment companies and five years’ experience under my belt. I thought I had recruitment all figured out.

I soon realised that I had joined a company where the two directors were both very successful recruiters in their own right. David Kerr and Nick Boulton — known by everyone who knows them for more than five minutes as DK and Boults. And beyond the dynamic duo, there are some very talented people at all levels in the business. I found myself learning from everyone around me.


One of my big concerns in joining a new recruitment company was the people I'd be working with. Recruitment seems to attract a broad range of personalities, with more than its fair share of unjustified egos. The thing that has always struck me about Client Server is, it has managed to remain largely ego-free, while still having a delightful blend of recruitment misfits. They have managed to implement what it often referred to as the No Asshole Rule .


DK is the man behind the systems, both physical and structural. Everything runs like clockwork, from the CRM to GDPR and beyond. Processes are constantly refined and improved to ensure that all consultants are working in the most efficient way. The systems are state of the art and the  process of managing roles and candidates is both seamless and easy to manage.


At Client Server, you will be surrounded by people who want you to succeed and are invested in helping you to do so. Here is an idea of what you can expect:

  • Initial training : From day one in the office, you will undergo a structured onboarding process and intensive overview of the systems, processes and people
  • Ongoing training: From the point  you join your team’s desk and beyond, you will receive constant input and on-the-job training from a mentor, team lead and surrounding consultants. There are also additional training sessions covering everything from “An Introduction to Technology” to “Interview Techniques” and “Efficiency”, run by people such as DK, Boults, Cales and Jucksey .
  • External training : The final element includes an excellent course run by a guy called Jeremy Snell . These sessions are offered to people who are - or express an interest in being - part of the Leadership Team.


As a company dedicated to developing their staff, the management team at Client Server are committed to the understanding that people grow at different speeds and that even your best performers have bad days (or quarters!).

I was a beneficiary of this very early into my Client Server career. I had a disastrous period of billing and was ready to resign from sheer embarrassment, but Boults was able to talk me around. I am far from the only one. I have seen the Management Team at Client Server go to extraordinary lengths to help people keep their focus and sanity during trying personal times and when the recruitment rollercoaster seems to have derailed itself.


Based on their ability to deliver exceptional candidates, Client Server have relationships with some of the best tech companies in London and around the United Kingdom, end of.


Client Server is made up of many individuals who share the company values (Commitment, Integrity, Endeavour and Quality), but I would struggle to define the culture here. The environment is friendly and professional, but beyond that there are groups who like a drink, groups who run before work, a number of competitive squash players who run an informal league, a professional opera singer, people with families and everyone in between. All are welcome.

The End

It was no easy decision to leave. I have loved my six years here, have been shaped directly by my experience and have grown a lot professionally.

When I resigned, the whole thing was handled with none of the recriminations or guilt trips that sometimes occur when someone hands in their notice. In fact, DK and Boults both wished me well in my new role and even agreed to pay me my commission based on completing a successful handover of my largest clients. Even at times like this everyone in the business wants to ensure that our clients experience the least disruption possible.

If you are thinking of starting a career in recruitment or are already established but would like a better platform, then I can confidently state that you will not regret a conversation with Client Server.

Are you a recruiter looking to take the next step in your career? Let's have a chat. Drop us a line at info@client-server.com .

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