
The Big Q: How should I prep for a video interview?Posted almost 5 years ago by Client Server

Q : I'm a C++ Software Engineer who's applied for a new job. I had a technical interview over the phone that went well, and I assumed the next step would be meeting face to face. But I was surprised to learn it's actually a video interview. What should I do to prepare for it?

A : Video interviews are becoming more and more common, particularly in the tech industry, and they're nothing to be concerned about. Your prep should be exactly the same as if you were meeting face-to-face, but there are a few extra things to be mindful of.

  • 1) Make sure your internet connection is strong

If you decide to have your interview at home, make sure you choose a room where your wifi connection is strong. You want to ensure you have a flawless connection that doesn't break up or lag.

  • 2) Test your video software

There's nothing worse than spending 10-15 minutes at the start of a scheduled video interview trying to enable your mic on Skype or - worse - trying to reset your login details. Make sure everything is ready and working a day ahead of time. Your recruiter will give you the contact details of the people who are interviewing you, so make sure they are in your contact list.

  • 3) Choose a quiet room to speak in

The temptation with video interviews is to go somewhere public, like a cafe. But this introduces a number of varibles you won't have control over, like noise, space, and wifi reliability. This is why we recommend holding the interview at home where you can guarantee a quiet, neutural location.

But if holding a video at home isn't practical, we have dedicated interview rooms at our London and Esher offices that candidates can use - just speak to your recruiter.

  • 4) Dress for success

It might only be a virtual interview but you're still on show. Dress as though the interview was taking place in person. A 'business casual' approach will be more than sufficient for most interviews, but nobody has ever been penalised for dressing too well.

Remember, your recruitment consultant is help to help answer any questions you have about your interview. They will ensure you are fully prepped and ready to tackle whatever questions come your way.

Photo: Freepik.com