
The Big Q: Are fast interviews red flags?

Client Server

The Big Q: Are fast interviews red flags?

Q : I've applied for a software dev company. I've had one 30 minute interview where we talked about my experience and their tech stack (mostly me asking what they use).

After that, they gave me a three hour test that I'd managed to complete and we had a feedback call where I just explained what I did and they said it's great, they didn't ask me a single question regarding the code I did.

Now, they are asking me out to their office to meet the team and discuss salary.

Is this ok? I feel like they're rushing the process for some reason, and I'm not sure if this is a red flag?

A : That actually sounds really positive! You could be their dream candidate.

But the speed itself isn't cause for too much concern. If you have some nagging doubts about the process, your recruitment consultant at Client Server will be able to answer any questions you have.

We speak directly with the hiring managers at every client we work with, so we have a deep insight into how they do things.

If a company is looking to move quickly on a hire, we will tell you and ensure you know exactly what to expect.

It's also important for you to tell your Client Server consultant any concerns or worries you have. Oftentimes they will be able to allay your fears straight away or get you an answer promptly.

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