
The Big Q: Should I prioritise projects or technologies in my application?Posted almost 4 years ago by Client Server

Q : I'm a recent graduate and as it stands, my portfolio is quite weak. I have two projects on my GitHub, one big and one small, both written in Java. But I'm also comfortable in C# in Unity Engine, some SQL, and HTML too.

I spend most of my day searching for jobs, so I don't have much time to flesh out my GitHub with more projects, but I feel like I'm missing a trick by not doing that. On the other hand, the industry moves so fast that I feel I should spend time learning new languages.

What should I prioritise? Projects or technologies?

A : Tech teams are pretty pragmatic when it comes to hiring junior team members. They know their portfolios are unlikely to be huge and that their knowledge of languages will have room to grow.

For a graduate hire, employers are looking for potential. Having that base level of knowledge and expertise is important - you need to be able to actually do the job - but enthusiasm, attitude, and desire are equally important. You should be able to demonstrate a willingness to grow and develop.

Every graduate is a work in progress, so don't beat yourself up for not having an extensive GitHub or language repertoire at this stage in your career. But look for ways to show that you're working on things. Perhaps re-allocate some of that job hunting time to working on a project that interests you, even if it's small.

Beyond that, one of the best things you can do is register with a recruitment consultancy like Client Server. Our expert consultants will assess your level of expertise and help you navigate the tricky world of job hunting. They'll coach you on each application, test, and interview, giving you the best opportunity to shine.

Let's start the conversation - click here to register yourself with Client Server and we'll be in touch.