
The Big Q: Should I contact the hiring manager of a company that's using a recruiter?Posted over 3 years ago by Client Server

Q : I completed a phone interview with a company that was arranged through a recruiter. I want to send a follow up email to the hiring manager but don't want to have to go through a recruiter to do so. I actually managed to find the hiring manager on LinkedIn - what's the harm in me contacting him this way?

A : Short answer - no. You might think you're helping your chances of getting an offer, but you're actually making things harder for yourself, the hiring manager, and the recruiter.

One of the big reasons companies use recruitment consultancies is because they take care of the day-to-day details and effort involved in hiring. Companies want to interview good candidates and have a single point of contact (the recruiter) to handle communications and logistics.

At Client Server, we will only send companies the CVs of candidates who we've interviewed, checked their right to work and tech tested. We'll also make sure we only send you to jobs that you're interested in. This saves companies time and energy when hiring because we take care of the prep beforehand.

We also know how important getting prompt feedback is, both for companies and candidates. Our consultants will always get in touch with you after an interview to see how it went, and they'll also talk to the hiring managers for their feedback as well. We know this can take some time, but Client Server's consultants will always keep you in the loop, even if there's no news.

But if you contact the hiring manager directly, you're putting everybody in a difficult position. The company will have agreed terms with the recruiter about how the hiring process will be handled. If they break that by engaging with you directly, they could be in breach of their contract. Plus, it also sends a message to the company that you're unwilling to follow directions, which would stymie your chances of ever getting a job there (or any other company the recruiter is working with).

At Client Server, our consultants will always keep you well-informed about how your application is progressing. If you have any concerns, then contact the consultant you were working with directly ( their details are on our website ).