
The Big Q: How much attention should I pay to Glassdoor reviews?

Client Server

The Big Q: How much attention should I pay to Glassdoor reviews?

Q : I’m researching a company on Glassdoor who I’m interviewing with. It’s a mixed bag of really positive and intensely negative reviews. How much attention should I pay to them?

A : Review sites like Glassdoor should form part of your research into a company, but they shouldn’t be the only sites you look at. As you’ve seen, these sites can attract wildly different reviews, good and bad, and should be taken with a pinch of salt. You can never be sure of a person’s motivation for roasting their ex-employer online, as much as you should be wary of outlandish claims of it being “the best place to work EVER!!!”

One of the benefits of applying for a role through a recruitment consultancy is that they can take care of these queries for you. It’s advisable to tell you recruiter any concerns you may have about the company. If a review has left a bad taste in your mouth, you should bring it up with your consultant. It’s in the consultant’s interest to ensure you are completely happy and comfortable to accept an offer from them.

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