
The Big Q: Why do recruiters ghost me?Posted over 3 years ago by Client Server

Q : I'm a QA Test Engineer who has started looking for a new role. I've done all the 'important things like update my CV and LinkedIn profile, and I've drawn up a list of potential recruitment agencies to work with.

But when I told my friend this, they said to avoid working with recruitment agencies because they will 'ghost' me. I did some research and found out this is fairly common among tech candidates. So, why do recruiters stop contacting candidates?

A : There is no single answer and we can't speak on behalf of other recruitment companies, but we can talk about our commitment to candidates like you.

At Client Server, we get that a job hunt can be stressful, particularly if you have been out of work for a while or you're searching for the first time. There are few things more frustrating than registering with a recruitment company, speaking to a consultant, and then never hearing from them again.

That's why at Client Server, we strive to speak to every candidate who registers with us or applies for one of our jobs. During that initial phone call, our consultants will be honest about what jobs are available and whether they can assist your search.

If you are interviewed for a role through us, our consultants will also give you regular feedback on your progress - even if there's no news.

And if we can't assist your job search at that point, we will arrange a time to contact you again in future. It's about always keeping you in the loop throughout the process, however long or short that is.