
How to have the right approach when giving in your resignation to your current job

Nick Boulton

How to have the right approach when giving in your resignation to your current job

Have you ever had a gut-sinking feeling happen after getting a new job because you have to tell your current job you will be resigning? Client Server Director Nick Boulton explains how to present a good resignation.

There are different approaches to how people go about resignation. Most people are scared of resigning and how it will unfold during the process. This can lead to anxiety, burning bridges, or being promoted by getting a pay raise or job title change (which should have already happened).

If you accept the pay raise, you end up with a counteroffer and staying at a company that has admitted to underpaying you. Or, they have done a simple risk assessment and have made the decision it’s cheaper to offer you more money than find a replacement. Make no mistake – they will have made a note of your motivations to stay.

But you don't need to panic. You aren't doomed to get another pay raise at your current company again. If you feel underpaid, please do your research. Do not take advice from your mate, who recently got a massive pay raise from “ Pear ,” that well-known phone and computer manufacturer….

So how come so many people mess up their resignations?

First, are you leaving for the right reasons? This question is paramount and should be front of mind.

Every situation is different and needs an objective approach. No company is about to fire you for asking about a performance review.

Make sure you have clear reasons with factual evidence to consider why you think you deserve a pay raise. What is the worst that could happen? They say no? Well, at least you know now why they refuse to give you a pay increase.

When looking for a new opportunity, you should have a personal checklist of why you want to move companies. Here is what an ideal list should look like (not in a specific order):

  • Progression & opportunity
  • Technological & personal challenge
  • Culture & people
  • Remuneration
  • Location

When it comes to resigning, remember the reasons why you began looking for a job. If the new job offers you everything you need, don’t feel guilty about your decision to move on. Remember why you are leaving, and prepare for a combination of disappointment, anger, counteroffers, and emotional persuasion. Play these different scenarios out before you step into that resignation meeting, so it’s not a surprise.

Disclaimer – All resignations are not like this, but better to be prepared.

When you are resigning, make sure to keep it professional. NEVER burn any bridges or make it personal, and make sure you have your resignation letter.
Thank them for the opportunity, be respectful, and listen to what they have to say. At Client Server, we advise all our candidates on how to successfully approach their resignations.

Remember the reasons why you began this journey in the first place. No matter what they promise, they make their decision based on the most efficient, cost-effective, and least disruptive path for their business. And all the reasons why you wanted to leave will still be there in the morning.

Ask yourself these questions as a sanity check in preparation before accepting any counteroffer:

  • Why have they not offered you this promotion before?
  • How come it had to get to this point before they show you a clear career path for progression?
  • Where was this pay raise when you felt like you had earned it at your last review?
  • Have they intentionally underpaid you over the X amount of years?
  • Do you see your future there?

These questions might sound extreme, but as long as your original reasons for looking for a new opportunity cover all the aspirations you started with, you have nothing to worry about.

Remember that a solid resignation should be simple, sharp, and professional, with no fuss. This is a business transaction and should be considered such.

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