Cloud Architect
Cloud Architect
To remain competitive in today’s continuously advancing digital age, companies are understanding the importance of the Cloud, and the importance of onboarding an accomplished Cloud Architect. The Cloud continues to grow, and the job market for a Cloud Architect is growing with it on a somewhat unprecedented trajectory.
Cloud services encompass everything from a simple remote storage capability like Google Drive, to media streamlining services like Netflix, and other highly complex off-site data processing and high powered analysis used by scientists and big businesses.
Cloud Architects are able to construct a “bigger picture” strategic overview of an organisation’s needs and draft a plan accordingly on how cloud technology can be used to achieve operational goals. They are specialist IT professionals that uniquely combine technological mastery with top-notch planning and leadership skills.
Cloud Architects and their specialist knowledge base on how to make the most of the cloud, will give companies the competitive edge in today’s evolving technological landscape. They can utilise their expertise to guide an organisation, helping to develop a company’s computer strategy, incorporating cloud adoption plans, application design, cloud management and monitoring.
Cloud architecture is compiled of a front end platform, a back end platform, cloud-based delivery and a network. Cloud Architects are responsible for converting the technical requirements of a project into the architecture and design that will guide the final product, bridging gaps between business problems and solutions within the cloud.
There are no specialities in cloud architecture per se, however Cloud Architects can be loosely categorised according to the cloud-computing platforms with which they are most familiar, e.g. AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, GCP (Google Cloud Platform). There are also smaller, more specialised platforms such as Hadoop, Salesforce and many others. As a Cloud Architect will gain more experience throughout their career, they will understand their preferences.
There is no solid path to becoming a Cloud Architect, nor is a degree in computer science or related discipline a necessary prerequisite – however, a solid understanding of cloud computing, cloud deployment models, cloud service models and architectures are needed.
Successful Cloud Architects will also have good working knowledge of at least one or more of the following operating systems; Linux, Unix, Solaris, Ubuntu or Windows. Knowledge of key security concepts like firewalls is also required, and a good understanding of networking, including TCP/IP, HTTP DNS etc. Perhaps most importantly, Cloud Architects should possess a commitment to upskilling and continuously developing their Cloud technology knowledge.
The specialisation of Cloud Architecture is likely to remain in high demand for the foreseeable future as cloud technology continues to advance and more companies recognise they need a specialist to make the most of this new, expansive technology. There is also some degree of overlap present in the requirements for high-level / strategic tech jobs, so aiming for a career as a Cloud Architect will naturally open up many other opportunities along the way.
If you are a Cloud Architect and would like to find a new role, get in touch with one of our specialist consultants today.
See current Cloud / DevOps jobs here: