Product Manager

Product Manager

A Product Manager is essentially responsible for guiding the success of a product and leading the cross-functional team that is responsible for improving it. Product management in itself is integral to delivering innovations and business growth, and Product Managers can be found across industries, building products and technologies for external customers (end users) or internal customers (employees).

A Product Manager represents a critical intersection between business, technology and user experience. As the role of the Product Manager is above all, a business function, a Product Manager must be focused on maximising business value from a product, optimising the product to achieve business goals whilst capitalising on investment. A Product Manager will begin with a vision and lots of research, assimilating large amounts of qualitative and quantitative information. Product Managers are then responsible for building out an actionable plan or roadmap of incremental improvements.

Day to day, a Product Manager will work closely with the development team where a core responsibility would be facilitating effective communication and solving problems as they arise. Marketing, forecasting and profit & loss all fall under the remit of a Product Manager, as a Product Manager will closely manage the scope and budget to get the product out on time.

Ideation is a huge aspect of what Product Managers do. Against the context of oversaturated markets and advancing technologies, every organisation wants bigger and better ideas but it is difficult to prioritise them. A Product Manager would come in to own the creative process of generating, developing and curating new ideas and prioritising these ideas against strategic goals and initiatives.

Different companies have different Product Manager titles and responsibilities, based on the industry and type of product they are producing. Titles you may come across include Product Manager, Technical Product Manager, Product Development Manager, Strategic Product Manager – which are all titles describing a role or set of qualities a person holds. Alternatively some titles are linked to specific industry verticals, such as an eCommerce Product Manager.

A successful Product Manager is able to visualise the ‘bigger picture’ of a product roadmap without compromising on the smaller details associated with development. A successful Product Manager has supreme communication skills and is able to galvanise trust from their development team. A good Product Manager will also keep pace with and understand technical trends, and have an awareness of how they might impact the product roadmap and drive innovation. Essentially the core job of a Product Manager is to provide a product vision, create a roadmap and drive its execution.

If you’re a Product Manager looking for your next opportunity, get in touch with one of our consultants today to find the right role for you.

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