
The story of onboarding Client Server’s first remote consultantPosted over 4 years ago by Client Server

Following the words of Client Server Team Leader Chris Hart in his recent blog explaining what remote onboarding is , we too have had to adapt the way in which we recruit. We caught up with Luigi Trombetta (over Google Hangout), a Senior Consultant on his experience of joining our team post Covid-19.

The onboarding process for me started pre-Covid19. Client Server (CS) conducted an initial telephone screening and after successfully passing, I was invited to a face-to-face interview. I met with the Internal Recruitment team and the manager of the desk and after completing a presentation, I briefly met some of my team.”

I was offered the job as a Senior Consultant, developing our European outreach. My start date was looming and I assumed it would be the same as my previous first days: go into the office say ‘Morning’ to everyone and anyone that walks past, have a few technical issues logging in, - and then finally settle down to make those first calls, but Covid-19 had new plans. The lockdown was announced the night before my start date. What to do now?

Thankfully Client Server had already adopted the onboarding model so I could remote in seamlessly, virtually meet my team, and with a combination of video and telephone calls, carry out my training. A couple of weeks have passed and I feel even more a part of the team with regular team calls, catch-ups with Internal Recruitment and other employees reaching out to introduce themselves via video calls so I can put a name to a face.

I’ve worked from home in the past, but I’ve never joined a company remotely. So this process has been one to remember!